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61 posts tagged with "New Features"

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RabbitMQ 3.11 Feature Preview: Super Streams

· 6 min read

RabbitMQ 3.11 will bring a feature with one of the coolest names in its history: super streams. Super streams are a way to scale out by partitioning a large stream into smaller streams. They integrate with single active consumer to preserve message order within a partition.

This blog post gives an overview of super streams and the use cases they unlock. Read on to learn more, we value your feedback to make this feature the best it can be.

RabbitMQ 3.11 Feature Preview: Single Active Consumer for Streams

· 10 min read

RabbitMQ 3.11 will bring a noteworthy feature to streams: single active consumer. Single active consumer provides exclusive consumption and consumption continuity on a stream. It is also critical to get the most out of super streams, our solution for partitioning, that provide scalability for streams.

Read on to find out more about single active consumer for streams and don't hesitate to experiment with what is already available: try it, break it, tell us what you like and don't like, what's missing. Your feedback is essential to make this feature the best it can be.

At-Least-Once Dead Lettering

· 20 min read

Quorum queues in RabbitMQ 3.10 provide a safer form of dead lettering that uses at-least-once guarantees for the message transfer between queues. This blog post explains everything you need to know to start using at-least-once dead lettering.

This post also introduces two other RabbitMQ 3.10 features: message Time-To-Live (TTL) for quorum queues and Prometheus metrics for dead lettered messages.

Message Deduplication with RabbitMQ Streams

· 9 min read

RabbitMQ Streams Overview introduced streams, a new feature in RabbitMQ 3.9 and RabbitMQ Streams First Application provided an overview of the programming model with the stream Java client. This post covers how to deduplicate published messages in RabbitMQ Streams.

As deduplication is a critical and intricate concept, the post will walk you through this mechanism step by step, from a naive and somewhat broken publishing application to an optimized and reliable implementation.