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Version: 4.0

Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana


This guide covers RabbitMQ monitoring with two popular tools: Prometheus, a monitoring toolkit; and Grafana, a metrics visualisation system.

These tools together form a powerful toolkit for long-term metric collection and monitoring of RabbitMQ clusters. While RabbitMQ management UI also provides access to a subset of metrics, it by design doesn't try to be a long term metric collection solution.

Please read through the main guide on monitoring first. Monitoring principles and available metrics are mostly relevant when Prometheus and Grafana are used.

Some key topics covered by this guide are

Grafana dashboards follow a number of conventions to make the system more observable and anti-patterns easier to spot. Its design decisions are explained in a number of sections:

Built-in Prometheus Support

RabbitMQ ships with built-in Prometheus & Grafana support.

Support for Prometheus metric collector ships in the rabbitmq_prometheus plugin. The plugin exposes all RabbitMQ metrics on a dedicated TCP port, in Prometheus text format.

These metrics provide deep insights into the state of RabbitMQ nodes and the runtime. They make reasoning about the behaviour of RabbitMQ, applications that use it and various infrastructure elements a lot more informed.

Grafana Support

Collected metrics are not very useful unless they are visualised. Team RabbitMQ provides a prebuilt set of Grafana dashboards that visualise a large number of available RabbitMQ and runtime metrics in context-specific ways.

There is a number of dashboards available:

and others. Each is meant to provide an insight into a specific part of the system. When used together, they are able to explain RabbitMQ and application behaviour in detail.

Note that the Grafana dashboards are opinionated and use a number of conventions, for example, to spot system health issues quicker or make cross-graph referencing possible. Like all Grafana dashboards, they are also highly customizable. The conventions they assume are considered to be good practices and are thus recommended.

An Example

When RabbitMQ is integrated with Prometheus and Grafana, this is what the RabbitMQ Overview dashboard looks like:

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard

Quick Start

Before We Start

This section explains how to set up a RabbitMQ cluster with Prometheus and Grafana dashboards, as well as some applications that will produce some activity and meaningful metrics.

With this setup you will be able to interact with RabbitMQ, Prometheus & Grafana running locally. You will also be able to try out different load profiles to see how it all fits together, make sense of the dashboards, panels and so on.

This is merely an example; the rabbitmq_prometheus plugin and our Grafana dashboards do not require the use of Docker Compose demonstrated below.


The instructions below assume a host machine that has a certain set of tools installed:

  • A terminal to run the commands
  • Git to clone the repository
  • Docker Desktop to use Docker Compose locally
  • A Web browser to browse the dashboards

Their installation is out of scope of this guide. Use

git version
docker info && docker-compose version

on the command line to verify that the necessary tools are available.

Clone a Repository with Manifests

First step is to clone a Git repository, rabbitmq-server, with the manifests and other components required to run a RabbitMQ cluster, Prometheus and a set of applications:

git clone
cd rabbitmq-server/deps/rabbitmq_prometheus/docker

Run Docker Compose

Next use Docker Compose manifests to run a pre-configured RabbitMQ cluster, a Prometheus instance and a basic workload that will produce the metrics displayed in the RabbitMQ overview dashboard:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-metrics.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-overview.yml up -d

The docker-compose commands above can also be executed with a make target:

make metrics overview

When the above commands succeed, there will be a functional RabbitMQ cluster and a Prometheus instance collecting metrics from it running in a set of containers.

Access RabbitMQ Overview Grafana Dashboard

Now navigate to http://localhost:3000/dashboards in a Web browser. It will bring up a login page. Use admin for both the username and the password. On the very first login Grafana will suggest changing your password. For the sake of this example, we suggest that this step is skipped.

Navigate to the RabbitMQ-Overview dashboard that will look like this:

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard Localhost

Congratulations! You now have a 3-nodes RabbitMQ cluster integrated with Prometheus & Grafana running locally. This is a perfect time to learn more about the available dashboards.

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard

All metrics available in the management UI Overview page are available in the Overview Grafana dashboard. They are grouped by object type, with a focus on RabbitMQ nodes and message rates.

Health Indicators

Single stat metrics at the top of the dashboard capture the health of a single RabbitMQ cluster. In this case, there's a single RabbitMQ cluster, rabbitmq-overview, as seen in the Cluster drop-down menu just below the dashboard title.

The panels on all RabbitMQ Grafana dashboards use different colours to capture the following metric states:

  • Green means the value of the metric is within a healthy range
  • Blue means under-utilisation or some form of degradation
  • Red means the value of the metric is below or above the range that is considered healthy

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard Single-stat

Default ranges for the single stat metrics will not be optimal for all RabbitMQ deployments. For example, in environments with many consumers and/or high prefetch values, it may be perfectly fine to have over 1,000 unacknowledged messages. The default thresholds can be easily adjusted to suit the workload and system at hand. The users are encouraged to revisit these ranges and tweak them as they see fit for their workloads, monitoring and operational practices, and tolerance for false positives.

Metrics and Graphs

Most RabbitMQ and runtime metrics are represented as graphs in Grafana: they are values that change over time. This is the simplest and clearest way of visualising how some aspect of the system changes. Time-based charting makes it easy to understand the change in key metrics: message rates, memory used by every node in the cluster, or the number of concurrent connections. All metrics except for health indicators are node-specific, that is, they represent values of a metric on a single node.

Some metrics, such as the panels grouped under CONNECTIONS, are stacked to capture the state of the cluster as a whole. These metrics are collected on individual nodes and grouped visually, which makes it easy to notice when, for example, one node serves a disproportionate number of connections.

We would refer to such a RabbitMQ cluster as unbalanced, meaning that at least in some ways, a minority of nodes perform the majority of work.

In the example below, connections are spread out evenly across all nodes most of the time:

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard CONNECTIONS

Colour Labelling in Graphs

All metrics on all graphs are associated with specific node names. For example, all metrics drawn in green are for the node that contains 0 in its name, e.g. rabbit@rmq0. This makes it easy to correlate metrics of a specific node across graphs. Metrics for the first node, which is assumed to contain 0 in its name, will always appear as green across all graphs.

It is important to remember this aspect when using the RabbitMQ Overview dashboard. If a different node naming convention is used, the colours will appear inconsistent across graphs: green may represent e.g. rabbit@foo in one graph, and e.g. rabbit@bar in another graph.

When this is the case, the panels must be updated to use a different node naming scheme.

Thresholds in Graphs

Most metrics have pre-configured thresholds. They define expected operating boundaries for the metric. On the graphs they appear as semi-transparent orange or red areas, as seen in the example below.

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard Single-stat

Metric values in the orange area signal that some pre-defined threshold has been exceeded. This may be acceptable, especially if the metric recovers. A metric that comes close to the orange area is considered to be in healthy state.

Metric values in the red area need attention and may identify some form of service degradation. For example, metrics in the red area can indicate that an alarm in effect or when the node is out of file descriptors and cannot accept any more connections or open new files.

In the example above, we have a RabbitMQ cluster that runs at optimal memory capacity, which is just above the warning threshold. If there is a spike in published messages that should be stored in RAM, the amount of memory used by the node go up and the metric on the graph will go down (as it indicates the amount of available memory).

Because the system has more memory available than is allocated to the RabbitMQ node it hosts, we notice the dip below 0 B. This emphasizes the importance of leaving spare memory available for the OS, housekeeping tasks that cause short-lived memory usage spikes, and other processes. When a RabbitMQ node exhausts all memory that it is allowed to use, a memory alarm is triggered and publishers across the entire cluster will be blocked.

On the right side of the graph we can see that consumers catch up and the amount of memory used goes down. That clears the memory alarm on the node and, as a result, publishers become unblocked. This and related metrics across cluster then should return to their optimal state.

There is No "Right" Threshold for Many Metrics

Note that the thresholds used by the Grafana dashboards have to have a default value. No matter what value is picked by dashboard developers, they will not be suitable for all environments and workloads.

Some workloads may require higher thresholds, others may choose to lower them. While the defaults should be adequate in many cases, the operator must review and adjust the thresholds to suit their specific requirements.

Relevant Documentation for Graphs

Most metrics have a help icon in the top-left corner of the panel.

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard Single-stat

Some, like the available disk space metric, link to dedicated pages in RabbitMQ documentation. These pages contain information relevant to the metric. Getting familiar with the linked guides is highly recommended and will help the operator understand what the metric means better.

Using Graphs to Spot Anti-patterns

Any metric drawn in red hints at an anti-pattern in the system. Such graphs try to highlight sub-optimal uses of RabbitMQ. A red graphs with non-zero metrics should be investigated. Such metrics might indicate an issue in RabbitMQ configuration or sub-optimal actions by clients (publishers or consumers).

In the example below we can see the usage of greatly inefficient polling consumers that keep polling, even though most or even all polling operation return no messages. Like any polling-based algorithm, it is wasteful and should be avoided where possible.

It is a lot more and efficient to have RabbitMQ push messages to the consumer.

RabbitMQ Overview Dashboard Antipatterns

Example Workloads

The Prometheus plugin repository contains example workloads that use PerfTest to simulate different workloads. Their goal is to exercise all metrics in the RabbitMQ Overview dashboard. These examples are meant to be edited and extended as developers and operators see fit when exploring various metrics, their thresholds and behaviour.

To deploy a workload app, run docker-compose -f docker-compose-overview.yml up -d. The same command will redeploy the app after the file has been updated.

To delete all workload containers, run docker-compose -f docker-compose-overview.yml down or

gmake down

More Dashboards: Raft and Erlang Runtime

There are two more Grafana dashboards available: RabbitMQ-Raft and Erlang-Distribution. They collect and visualise metrics related to the Raft consensus algorithm (used by Quorum Queues and other features) as well as more nitty-gritty runtime metrics such as inter-node communication buffers.

The dashboards have corresponding RabbitMQ clusters and PerfTest instances which are started and stopped the same as the Overview one. Feel free to experiment with the other workloads that are included in the same docker directory.

For example, the docker-compose-dist-tls.yml Compose manifest is meant to stress the inter-node communication links. This workload uses a lot of system resources. docker-compose-qq.yml contains a quorum queue workload.

To stop and delete all containers used by the workloads, run docker-compose -f [file] down or

make down


Unlike the Quick Start above, this section covers monitoring setup geared towards production usage.

We will assume that the following tools are provisioned and running:

  • A 3-node RabbitMQ 3.11 cluster
  • Prometheus, including network connectivity with all RabbitMQ cluster nodes
  • Grafana, including configuration that lists the above Prometheus instance as one of the data sources

RabbitMQ Configuration

Cluster Name

First step is to give the RabbitMQ cluster a descriptive name so that it can be distinguished from other clusters.

To find the current name of the cluster, use

rabbitmq-diagnostics -q cluster_status

This command can be executed against any cluster node. If the current cluster name is distinctive and appropriate, skip the rest of this paragraph. To change the name of the cluster, run the following command (the name used here is just an example):

rabbitmqctl -q set_cluster_name testing-prometheus

Enable rabbitmq_prometheus

Next, enable the rabbitmq_prometheus plugin on all nodes:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_prometheus

The output will look similar to this:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_prometheus

Enabling plugins on node rabbit@ed9618ea17c9:
The following plugins have been configured:
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@ed9618ea17c9...
The following plugins have been enabled:

started 3 plugins.

To confirm that RabbitMQ now exposes metrics in Prometheus format, get the first couple of lines with curl or similar:

curl -s localhost:15692/metrics | head -n 3
# TYPE erlang_mnesia_held_locks gauge
# HELP erlang_mnesia_held_locks Number of held locks.
erlang_mnesia_held_locks{node="rabbit@65f1a10aaffa",cluster="rabbit@65f1a10aaffa"} 0

Notice that RabbitMQ exposes the metrics on a dedicated TCP port, 15692 by default.

Prometheus Configuration

Once RabbitMQ is configured to expose metrics to Prometheus, Prometheus should be made aware of where it should scrape RabbitMQ metrics from. There are a number of ways of doing this. Please refer to the official Prometheus configuration documentation. There's also a first steps with Prometheus guide for beginners.

Metric Collection and Scraping Intervals

Prometheus will periodically scrape (read) metrics from the systems it monitors, every 60 seconds by default. RabbitMQ metrics are updated periodically, too, every 5 seconds by default. Since this value is configurable, check the metrics update interval by running the following command on any of the nodes:

rabbitmq-diagnostics environment | grep collect_statistics_interval
# => {collect_statistics_interval,5000}

The returned value will be in milliseconds.

For production systems, we recommend a minimum value of 15s for Prometheus scrape interval and a 10000 (10s) value for RabbitMQ's collect_statistics_interval. With these values, Prometheus doesn't scrape RabbitMQ too frequently, and RabbitMQ doesn't update metrics unnecessarily. If you configure a different value for Prometheus scrape interval, remember to set an appropriate interval when visualising metrics in Grafana with rate() - 4x the scrape interval is considered safe.

When using RabbitMQ's Management UI default 5 second auto-refresh, keeping the default collect_statistics_interval setting is optimal. Both intervals are 5000 ms (5 seconds) by default for this reason.

To confirm that Prometheus is scraping RabbitMQ metrics from all nodes, ensure that all RabbitMQ endpoints are Up on the Prometheus Targets page, as shown below:

Prometheus RabbitMQ Targets

Network Interface and Port

The port is configured using the prometheus.tcp.port key:

prometheus.tcp.port = 15692

It is possible to configure what interface the Prometheus plugin API endpoint will use, similarly to messaging protocol listeners, using the prometheus.tcp.ip key:

prometheus.tcp.ip =

To check what interface and port is used by a running node, use rabbitmq-diagnostics:

rabbitmq-diagnostics -s listeners
# => Interface: [::], port: 15692, protocol: http/prometheus, purpose: Prometheus exporter API over HTTP

or tools such as lsof, ss or netstat.

Aggregated and Per-Object Metrics

RabbitMQ can return Prometheus metrics in two modes:

  1. Aggregated: metrics are aggregated by name. This mode has lower performance overhead with the output size constant, even as the number of objects (e.g. connections and queues) grows.
  2. Per-object: individual metric for each object-metric pair. With a large number of stats-emitting entities, e.g. a lot of connections and queues, this can result in very large payloads and a lot of CPU resources spent serialising data to output.

Metric aggregation is a more predictable and practical option for larger deployments. It scales very well with respect to the number of metric-emitting objects in the system (connections, channels, queues, consumers, etc) by keeping response size and time small. It is also predictably easy to visualise.

The downside of metric aggregation is that it loses data fidelity. Per-object metrics and alerting are not possible with aggregation. Individual object metrics, while very useful in some cases, are also hard to visualise. Consider what a chart with 200K connections charted on it would look like and whether an operator would be able to make sense of it.

Prometheus endpoints: /metrics

By default, Prometheus (and other Prometheus-compatible solutions), expects metrics to be available on a path of /metrics. RabbitMQ returns aggregated metrics on this endpoint by default.

If you prefer to return per-object (unaggregated) metrics on the /metrics endpoint, set prometheus.return_per_object_metrics to true:

# can result in a really excessive output produced,
# only suitable for environments with a relatively small
# number of metrics-emitting objects such as connections and queues
prometheus.return_per_object_metrics = true

Prometheus endpoints: /metrics/memory-breakdown

This endpoint provides metrics similar to the output of rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown. It aggregates memory usage by different components to provide a more detailed view of where the memory is allocated.

Memory breakdown is a separate endpoint, since providing this information requires iterating through all the Erlang processes. This is not a problem in most systems, but becomes relatively expensive in large deployments. In systems with tens of thousands (or more) connections and/or queues (each connection and queue is at least 1 process), it is recommended to either not use this endpoint at all, or to scrape it infrequently.

Prometheus endpoints: /metrics/per-object

RabbitMQ offers a dedicated endpoint

GET /metrics/per-object

which always returns per-object metrics, regardless of the value of prometheus.return_per_object_metrics. You can therefore keep the default value of prometheus.return_per_object_metrics, which is false, and still scrape per-object metrics when necessary, by setting metrics_path = /metrics/per-object in the Prometheus target configuration (check Prometheus Documentation for additional information).

Prometheus endpoints: /metrics/detailed

As mentioned earlier, using per-object metrics in environments with a lot of entitites is very computationally expensive. For example, /metrics/per-object returns all metrics for all entities in the system, even if many of them are not used by most clients (such as monitoring tools).

This is why there is a separate endpoint for per-object metrics that allows the caller to query only the metrics they need:

GET /metrics/detailed

By default it does not return any metrics. All required metric groups and virtual host filters must be be provided as query parameters. For example,

GET /metrics/detailed?vhost=vhost-1&vhost=vhost-2&family=queue_coarse_metrics&family=queue_consumer_count

will only return requested metrics and leave out, for example, all channel metrics that this client is not interested in.

This endpoint supports the following parameters:

  • Zero or more family values. Only the requested metric families will be returned. The full list is documented below;
  • Zero or more vhosts: if provided, queue related metrics (queue_coarse_metrics, queue_consumer_count and queue_metrics) will be returned only for the queues in the provided virtual hosts

The returned metrics use a different prefix: rabbitmq_detailed_ (instead of rabbitmq_ used by other endpoints). This means the endpoint can be used together with GET /metrics and tools that rely on other endpoints won't be affected.

Since it queries and serves less data in almost all cases, this endpoint puts less load on the system. For example,

GET /metrics/detailed?family=queue_coarse_metrics&family=queue_consumer_count

provides just enough metrics to determine how many messages are enqueued and how many consumers those queues have. In some environments this query is up to 60 times more efficient than querying GET /metrics/per-object to get only a couple of metrics from the response.

Generic metrics

These are some generic metrics, which do not refer to any specific queue/connection/etc.

Connection/channel/queue churn

Grouped under connection_churn_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_connections_opened_totalTotal number of connections opened
rabbitmq_detailed_connections_closed_totalTotal number of connections closed or terminated
rabbitmq_detailed_channels_opened_totalTotal number of channels opened
rabbitmq_detailed_channels_closed_totalTotal number of channels closed
rabbitmq_detailed_queues_declared_totalTotal number of queues declared
rabbitmq_detailed_queues_created_totalTotal number of queues created
rabbitmq_detailed_queues_deleted_totalTotal number of queues deleted
Erlang VM/Disk IO via RabbitMQ

Grouped under node_coarse_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_process_open_fdsOpen file descriptors
rabbitmq_detailed_process_open_tcp_socketsOpen TCP sockets
rabbitmq_detailed_process_resident_memory_bytesMemory used in bytes
rabbitmq_detailed_disk_space_available_bytesDisk space available in bytes
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_processes_usedErlang processes used
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_gc_runs_totalTotal number of Erlang garbage collector runs
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_gc_reclaimed_bytes_totalTotal number of bytes of memory reclaimed by Erlang garbage collector
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_scheduler_context_switches_totalTotal number of Erlang scheduler context switches

Grouped under node_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_process_max_fdsOpen file descriptors limit
rabbitmq_detailed_process_max_tcp_socketsOpen TCP sockets limit
rabbitmq_detailed_resident_memory_limit_bytesMemory high watermark in bytes
rabbitmq_detailed_disk_space_available_limit_bytesFree disk space low watermark in bytes
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_processes_limitErlang processes limit
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_scheduler_run_queueErlang scheduler run queue
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_net_ticktime_secondsInter-node heartbeat interval
rabbitmq_detailed_erlang_uptime_secondsNode uptime

Grouped under node_persister_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_io_read_ops_totalTotal number of I/O read operations
rabbitmq_detailed_io_read_bytes_totalTotal number of I/O bytes read
rabbitmq_detailed_io_write_ops_totalTotal number of I/O write operations
rabbitmq_detailed_io_write_bytes_totalTotal number of I/O bytes written
rabbitmq_detailed_io_sync_ops_totalTotal number of I/O sync operations
rabbitmq_detailed_io_seek_ops_totalTotal number of I/O seek operations
rabbitmq_detailed_io_reopen_ops_totalTotal number of times files have been reopened
rabbitmq_detailed_schema_db_ram_tx_totalTotal number of Schema DB memory transactions
rabbitmq_detailed_schema_db_disk_tx_totalTotal number of Schema DB disk transactions
rabbitmq_detailed_msg_store_read_totalTotal number of Message Store read operations
rabbitmq_detailed_msg_store_write_totalTotal number of Message Store write operations
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_index_read_ops_totalTotal number of Queue Index read operations
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_index_write_ops_totalTotal number of Queue Index write operations
rabbitmq_detailed_io_read_time_seconds_totalTotal I/O read time
rabbitmq_detailed_io_write_time_seconds_totalTotal I/O write time
rabbitmq_detailed_io_sync_time_seconds_totalTotal I/O sync time
rabbitmq_detailed_io_seek_time_seconds_totalTotal I/O seek time

Grouped under ra_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_raft_term_totalCurrent Raft term number
rabbitmq_detailed_raft_log_snapshot_indexRaft log snapshot index
rabbitmq_detailed_raft_log_last_applied_indexRaft log last applied index
rabbitmq_detailed_raft_log_commit_indexRaft log commit index
rabbitmq_detailed_raft_log_last_written_indexRaft log last written index
rabbitmq_detailed_raft_entry_commit_latency_secondsTime taken for a log entry to be committed
Auth metrics

Grouped under auth_attempt_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_auth_attempts_totalTotal number of authorization attempts
rabbitmq_detailed_auth_attempts_succeeded_totalTotal number of successful authentication attempts
rabbitmq_detailed_auth_attempts_failed_totalTotal number of failed authentication attempts

Grouped under auth_attempt_detailed_metrics. When aggregated, these add up to the same numbers as auth_attempt_metrics.

rabbitmq_detailed_auth_attempts_detailed_totalTotal number of authorization attempts with source info
rabbitmq_detailed_auth_attempts_detailed_succeeded_totalTotal number of successful authorization attempts with source info
rabbitmq_detailed_auth_attempts_detailed_failed_totalTotal number of failed authorization attempts with source info

Queue metrics

Each metric in this group points to a single queue via its label. So the size of the response here is directly proportional to the number of queues hosted on the node.

The metrics below are listed from the least expensive to collect to the most expensive.

Queue coarse metrics

Grouped under queue_coarse_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_readyMessages ready to be delivered to consumers
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_unackedMessages delivered to consumers but not yet acknowledged
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messagesSum of ready and unacknowledged messages - total queue depth
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_process_reductions_totalTotal number of queue process reductions
Queue delivery metrics

These metrics are similar to those grouped under channel_queue_metrics, but do not include a channel ID in their labels. They are useful for monitoring the state of each queue individually.

Grouped under queue_delivery_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_queue_get_ack_totalTotal number of messages fetched from a queue with basic.get in manual acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_get_totalTotal number of messages fetched from a queue with basic.get in automatic acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_delivered_ack_totalTotal number of messages delivered from a queue to consumers in manual acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_delivered_totalTotal number of messages delivered from a queue to consumers in automatic acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_redelivered_totalTotal number of messages redelivered from a queue to consumers
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_acked_totalTotal number of messages acknowledged by consumers on a queue
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_get_empty_totalTotal number of times basic.get operations fetched no message on a queue
Per-queue consumer count

Grouped under queue_consumer_count. This is a subset of queue_metrics which is skipped if queue_metrics are requested:

rabbitmq_detailed_queue_consumersConsumers on a queue

This metric is useful for quickly detecting issues with consumers (e.g. when there are no consumers online). This is why it is exposed separately.

Detailed queue metrics

Grouped under queue_metrics. This group contains all the metrics for every queue, and can be relatively expensive to produce:

rabbitmq_detailed_queue_consumersConsumers on a queue
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_consumer_capacityConsumer capacity
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_consumer_utilisationSame as consumer capacity
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_process_memory_bytesMemory in bytes used by the Erlang queue process
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_ramReady and unacknowledged messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_ram_bytesSize of ready and unacknowledged messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_ready_ramReady messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_unacked_ramUnacknowledged messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_persistentPersistent messages
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_persistent_bytesSize in bytes of persistent messages
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_bytesSize in bytes of ready and unacknowledged messages
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_ready_bytesSize in bytes of ready messages
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_unacked_bytesSize in bytes of all unacknowledged messages
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_paged_outMessages paged out to disk
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_paged_out_bytesSize in bytes of messages paged out to disk
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_head_message_timestampTimestamp of the first message in the queue, if any
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_disk_reads_totalTotal number of times queue read messages from disk
rabbitmq_detailed_queue_disk_writes_totalTotal number of times queue wrote messages to disk
rabbitmq_detailed_stream_segmentsTotal number of stream segment files

Exchange metrics

Each metric in this group points to a single exchange via its label. So the size of the response here is directly proportional to the number of exchanges hosted on the node.

These metrics are similar to those grouped under channel_exchange_metrics, but do not include the channel ID in their labels. They are useful for monitoring the state of each exchange individually.

Grouped under exchange_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_exchange_messages_published_totalTotal number of messages published to an exchange
rabbitmq_detailed_exchange_messages_confirmed_totalTotal number of messages published to an exchange and confirmed
rabbitmq_detailed_exchange_messages_unroutable_returned_totalTotal number of messages published as mandatory to an exchange and returned to the publisher as unroutable
rabbitmq_detailed_exchange_messages_unroutable_dropped_totalTotal number of messages published as non-mandatory to an exchange and dropped as unroutable

Queue-Exchange metrics

Each metric in this group points to a single queue-exchange pair via its label.

These metrics are similar to those grouped under channel_queue_exchange_metrics, but do not include the channel ID in their labels. They are useful for monitoring the state of each queue-exchange pair individually.

Grouped under queue_exchange_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_queue_exchange_messages_published_totalTotal number of messages published into a queue through an exchange

Connection/channel metrics

All of those include the Erlang process ID of the channel in their label. This data is not particularly useful and is only present to distinguish metrics of separate channels.

These metrics are the most expensive to produce.

Connection metrics

Grouped under connection_coarse_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_connection_incoming_bytes_totalTotal number of bytes received on a connection
rabbitmq_detailed_connection_outgoing_bytes_totalTotal number of bytes sent on a connection
rabbitmq_detailed_connection_process_reductions_totalTotal number of connection process reductions

Grouped under connection_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_connection_incoming_packets_totalTotal number of packets received on a connection
rabbitmq_detailed_connection_outgoing_packets_totalTotal number of packets sent on a connection
rabbitmq_detailed_connection_pending_packetsNumber of packets waiting to be sent on a connection
rabbitmq_detailed_connection_channelsChannels on a connection
General channel metrics

Grouped under channel_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_channel_consumersConsumers on a channel
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_unackedDelivered but not yet acknowledged messages
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_unconfirmedPublished but not yet confirmed messages
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_uncommittedMessages received in a transaction but not yet committed
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_acks_uncommittedMessage acknowledgements in a transaction not yet committed
rabbitmq_detailed_consumer_prefetchLimit of unacknowledged messages for each consumer
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_prefetchTotal limit of unacknowledged messages for all consumers on a channel

Grouped under channel_process_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_channel_process_reductions_totalTotal number of channel process reductions
Channel metrics with queue/exchange breakdowns

Grouped under channel_exchange_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_published_totalTotal number of messages published to an exchange on a channel
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_confirmed_totalTotal number of messages published to an exchange and confirmed on the channel
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_unroutable_returned_totalTotal number of messages published as mandatory to an exchange and returned to the publisher as unroutable
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_unroutable_dropped_totalTotal number of messages published as non-mandatory to an exchange and dropped as unroutable

Grouped under channel_queue_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_channel_get_ack_totalTotal number of messages fetched with basic.get in manual acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_get_totalTotal number of messages fetched with basic.get in automatic acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_delivered_ack_totalTotal number of messages delivered to consumers in manual acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_delivered_totalTotal number of messages delivered to consumers in automatic acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_redelivered_totalTotal number of messages redelivered to consumers
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_messages_acked_totalTotal number of messages acknowledged by consumers
rabbitmq_detailed_channel_get_empty_totalTotal number of times basic.get operations fetched no message

Grouped under channel_queue_exchange_metrics:

rabbitmq_detailed_queue_messages_published_totalTotal number of messages published to queues

Virtual hosts and exchange metrics

These additional metrics can be useful when virtual hosts or exchanges are created in a shared cluster. These metrics are cluster-wide and not node-local. Therefore these metrics must not be aggregated across cluster nodes.

Grouped under vhost_status:

rabbitmq_cluster_vhost_statusWhether a given vhost is running

Grouped under exchange_names:

rabbitmq_cluster_exchange_nameEnumerates exchanges without any additional info. This value is cluster-wide. A cheaper alternative to exchange_bindings

Grouped under exchange_bindings:

rabbitmq_cluster_exchange_bindingsNumber of bindings for an exchange. This value is cluster-wide.

Scraping Endpoint Timeouts

In some environments there aren't many stats-emitting entities (queues, connections, channels), in others the scraping HTTP endpoint may have to return a sizeable data set to the client (e.g. many thousands of rows). In those cases the amount of time it takes to process the request can exceed certain timeouts in the embedded HTTP server and the HTTP client used by Prometheus.

It is possible to bump plugin side HTTP request timeouts using the prometheus.tcp.idle_timeout, prometheus.tcp.inactivity_timeout, prometheus.tcp.request_timeout settings.

  • prometheus.tcp.inactivity_timeout controls HTTP(S) client's TCP connection inactivity timeout. When it is reached, the connection will be closed by the HTTP server.
  • prometheus.tcp.request_timeout controls the window of time in which the client has to send an HTTP request.
  • prometheus.tcp.idle_timeout controls the window of time in which the client has to send more data (if any) within the context of an HTTP request.

If a load balancer or proxy is used between the Prometheus node and the RabbitMQ nodes it scrapes, the inactivity_timeout and idle_timeout values should be at least as large, and often greater than, the timeout and inactivity values used by the load balancer.

Here is an example configuration snippet that modifies the timeouts:

prometheus.tcp.idle_timeout = 120000
prometheus.tcp.inactivity_timeout = 120000
prometheus.tcp.request_timeout = 120000

Grafana Configuration

The last component in this setup is Grafana. If this is your first time integrating Grafana with Prometheus, please follow the official integration guide.

After Grafana is integrated with the Prometheus instance that reads and stores RabbitMQ metrics, it is time to import the Grafana dashboards that Team RabbitMQ maintains. Please refer to the the official Grafana tutorial on importing dashboards in Grafana.

Grafana dashboards for RabbitMQ and Erlang are open source and publicly from the rabbitmq-server GitHub repository.

To import RabbitMQ-Overview dashboard to Grafana:

  1. Go to the Grafana website to view the list of official RabbitMQ Grafana dashboards.
  2. Select RabbitMQ-Overview dashboard.
  3. Click the Download JSON link or copy the dashboard ID.
  4. Copy paste the file contents in Grafana, then click Load, as seen below:
    • Alternatively, paste the dashboard ID in the field Dashboard.

Grafana Import Dashboard

Repeat the process for all other Grafana dashboards that you would like to use with this RabbitMQ deployment.

Finally, switch the default data source used by Grafana to prometheus.

Congratulations! Your RabbitMQ is now monitored with Prometheus & Grafana!

Securing Prometheus Scraping Endpoint with TLS

The Prometheus metrics can be secured with TLS similar to the other listeners. For example, in the configuration file

prometheus.ssl.port       = 15691
prometheus.ssl.cacertfile = /full/path/to/ca_certificate.pem
prometheus.ssl.certfile = /full/path/to/server_certificate.pem
prometheus.ssl.keyfile = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
prometheus.ssl.password = password-if-keyfile-is-encrypted
## To enforce TLS (disable the non-TLS port):
# prometheus.tcp.listener = none

To enable TLS with peer verification, use a config similar to

prometheus.ssl.port       = 15691
prometheus.ssl.cacertfile = /full/path/to/ca_certificate.pem
prometheus.ssl.certfile = /full/path/to/server_certificate.pem
prometheus.ssl.keyfile = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
prometheus.ssl.password = password-if-keyfile-is-encrypted
prometheus.ssl.verify = verify_peer
prometheus.ssl.depth = 2
prometheus.ssl.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true
## To enforce TLS (disable the non-TLS port):
# prometheus.tcp.listener = none