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Some queuing theory: throughput, latency and bandwidth

· 12 min read
Matthew Sackman

You have a queue in Rabbit. You have some clients consuming from that queue. If you don't set a QoS setting at all (basic.qos), then Rabbit will push all the queue's messages to the clients as fast as the network and the clients will allow. The consumers will balloon in memory as they buffer all the messages in their own RAM. The queue may appear empty if you ask Rabbit, but there may be millions of messages unacknowledged as they sit in the clients, ready for processing by the client application. If you add a new consumer, there are no messages left in the queue to be sent to the new consumer. Messages are just being buffered in the existing clients, and may be there for a long time, even if there are other consumers that become available to process such messages sooner. This is rather sub optimal.

So, the default QoS prefetch setting gives clients an unlimited buffer, and that can result in poor behaviour and performance. But what should you set the QoS prefetch buffer size to? The goal is to keep the consumers saturated with work, but to minimise the client's buffer size so that more messages stay in Rabbit's queue and are thus available for new consumers or to just be sent out to consumers as they become free.

Let's say it takes 50ms for Rabbit to take a message from this queue, put it on the network and for it to arrive at the consumer. It takes 4ms for the client to process the message. Once the consumer has processed the message, it sends an ack back to Rabbit, which takes a further 50ms to be sent to and processed by Rabbit. So we have a total round trip time of 104ms. If we have a QoS prefetch setting of 1 message then Rabbit won't sent out the next message until after this round trip completes. Thus the client will be busy for only 4ms of every 104ms, or 3.8% of the time. We want it to be busy 100% of the time.

If we do total round trip time / processing time on the client for each message, we get 104 / 4 = 26. If we have a QoS prefetch of 26 messages this solves our problem: assume that the client has 26 messages buffered, ready and waiting for processing. (This is a sensible assumption: once you set basic.qos and then consume from a queue, Rabbit will send as many messages as it can from the queue you've subscribed to to the client, up to the QoS limit. If you assume messages aren't very big and bandwidth is high, it's likely Rabbit will be able to send messages to your consuming client faster than your client can process them. Thus it's reasonable (and simpler) to do all the maths from the assumption of a full client-side buffer.) If each message takes 4ms of processing to deal with then it'll take a total of 26 * 4 = 104ms to deal with the entire buffer. The first 4ms is the client processing of the first message. The client then issues an ack and goes on to process the next message from the buffer. That ack takes 50ms to get to the broker. The broker than issues a new message to the client, which takes 50ms to get there, so by the time 104ms has passed and the client has finished processing its buffer, the next message from the broker has already arrived and is ready and waiting for the client to process it. Thus the client remains busy all the time: having a bigger QoS prefetch will not make it go faster; but we minimise the buffer size and thus latency of messages in the client: messages are buffered by the client for no longer than they need to be in order to keep the client saturated with work. In fact, the client is able to fully drain the buffer before the next message arrives, thus the buffer actually stays empty.

This solution is absolutely fine, provided processing time and network behaviour remains the same. But consider what happens if suddenly the network halves in speed: your prefetch buffer is no longer big enough and now the client will sit idle, waiting for new messages to arrive as the client is able to process messages faster than Rabbit can supply fresh messages.

To address this problem, we might just decide to double (or nearly double) the QoS prefetch size. If we push it to 51 from 26, then if the client processing remains at 4ms per message, we now have 51 * 4 = 204ms of messages in the buffer, of which 4ms will be spent processing a message, leaving 200ms for the sending an ack back to Rabbit and receiving the next message. Thus we can now cope with the network halving in speed.

But if the network's performing normally, doubling our QoS prefetch now means each message will sit in the client side buffer for a while, instead of being processed immediately upon arrival at the client. Again, starting from a full buffer of now 51 messages we know that new messages will start appearing at the client 100ms after the client finishes processing the first message. But in those 100ms, the client will have processed 100 / 4 = 25 messages out of the 50 available. Which means as a new message arrives at the client, it'll be added to the end of the buffer as the client removes from the head of the buffer. The buffer will thus always stay 50 - 25 = 25 messages long and every message will thus sit in the buffer for 25 * 4 = 100ms, increasing the latency between Rabbit sending it to the client and the client starting to process it from 50ms to 150ms.

Thus we see that increasing the prefetch buffer so that the client can cope with deteriorated network performance whilst keeping the client busy, substantially increases the latency when the network is performing normally.

Equally, rather than the network's performance deteriorating, what happens if the client starts taking 40ms to process each message rather than 4ms? If the queue in Rabbit was previously at a steady length (i.e. ingress and egress rates were the same), it'll now start growing rapidly, as the egress rate has dropped to a tenth of what it was. You might decide to try and work through this growing backlog by adding more consumers, but there are messages now being buffered by the existing clients. Assuming the original buffer size of 26 messages, the client will spend 40ms processing the first message, will then send the ack back to Rabbit and move onto the next message. The ack still takes 50ms to get to Rabbit and a further 50ms for Rabbit to send out a new message, but in that 100ms, the client has only worked through 100 / 40 = 2.5 further messages rather than the remaining 25 messages. Thus the buffer is at this point 25 - 3 = 22 messages long. The new message arriving from Rabbit, rather than being processed immediately, now sits in 23rd place, behind 22 other messages still waiting to be processed, and will not be touched by the client for a further 22 * 40 = 880ms. Given the network delay from Rabbit to the client is only 50ms, this additional 880ms delay is now 95% of the latency (880 / (880 + 50) = 0.946).

Even worse, what happens if we doubled the buffer size to 51 messages in order to cope with network performance degradation? After the first message has been processed, there will be 50 further messages buffered in the client. 100ms later (assuming the network is running normally), a new message will arrive from Rabbit, and the client will be half way through processing the 3rd of those 50 messages (the buffer will now be 47 messages long), thus the new message will be 48th in the buffer, and will not be touched for a further 47 * 40 = 1880ms. Again, given the network delay of getting the message to the client is only 50ms, this further 1880ms delay now means client side buffering is responsible for over 97% of the latency (1880 / (1880 + 50) = 0.974). This may very well be unacceptable: the data may only be valid and useful if it's processed promptly, not some 2 seconds after the client received it! If other consuming clients are idle, there's nothing they can do: once Rabbit has sent a message to a client, the message is the client's responsibility until it acks or rejects the message. Clients can't steal messages from each other once the message has been sent to a client. What you want is for clients to be kept busy, but for clients to buffer as few messages as possible so that messages are not delayed by client-side buffers and thus new consuming clients can be quickly fed with messages from Rabbit's queue.

So, too small a buffer results in clients going idle if the network gets slower, but too big a buffer results in lots of extra latency if the network performs normally, and huge amounts of extra latency if the client suddenly starts taking longer to process each message than normal. It's clear that what you really want is a varying buffer size. These problems are common across network devices and have been the subject of much study. Active Queue Management algorithms seek to try and drop or reject messages so that you avoid messages sitting in buffers for long periods of time. The lowest latency is achieved when the buffer is kept empty (each message suffers network latency only and does not sit around in a buffer at all) and buffers are there to absorb spikes. Jim Gettys has been working on this problem from the point of view of network routers: differences between performance of the LAN and the WAN suffer exactly the same sorts of problems. Indeed whenever you have a buffer between a producer (in our case Rabbit) and a consumer (the client-side application logic) where the performance of both sides can vary dynamically, you will suffer these sorts of problems. Recently a new algorithm called Controlled Delay has been published which appears to work well in solving these problems.

The authors claim that their CoDel ("coddle") algorithm is a "knob free" algorithm. This is a bit of a lie really: there are two knobs and they do need setting appropriately. But they don't need changing every time performance changes, which is a massive benefit. I have implemented this algorithm for our AMQP Java Client as a variant of the QueueingConsumer. Whilst the original algorithm is aimed at the TCP layer, where it's valid to just drop packets (TCP itself will take care of re-transmission of lost packets), in AMQP that's not so polite! As a result, my implementation uses Rabbit's basic.nack extension to explicitly return messages to the queue so they can be processed by others.

Using it is pretty much the same as the normal QueueingConsumer except that you should provide three extra parameters to the constructor to get the best performance.

  1. The first is requeue which says whether, when messages are nacked, should they be requeued or discarded. If false, they will be discarded which may trigger the dead letter exchange mechanisms if they're set up.
  2. The second is the targetDelay which is the acceptable time in milliseconds for messages to wait in the client-side QoS prefetch buffer.
  3. The third is the interval and is the expected worst case processing time of one message in milliseconds. This doesn't have to be spot on, but within an order of magnitude certainly helps.

You should still set a QoS prefetch size appropriately. If you do not, what is likely is that the client will be sent a lot of messages, and the algorithm will then have to return them to Rabbit if they sit in the buffer for too long. It's easy to end up with a lot of extra network traffic as messages are returned to Rabbit. The CoDel algorithm is meant to only start dropping (or rejecting) messages once performance diverges from the norm, thus a worked example might help.

Again, assume network traversal time in each direction of 50ms, and we expect the client to spend 4ms on average processing each message, but this can spike to 20ms. We thus set the interval parameter of CoDel to 20. Sometimes the network halves in speed, so the traversal time can be 100ms in each direction. To cater for that, we set the basic.qos prefetch to 204 / 4 = 51. Yes, this means that the buffer will remain 25 messages long most of the time when the network is running normally (see workings earlier), but we decide that's OK. Each message will thus sit in the buffer for an expected 25 * 4 = 100ms, so we set the targetDelay of CoDel to 100.

When things are running normally, CoDel should not get in the way, and few if any messages should be being nacked. But should the client start processing messages more slowly than normal, CoDel will spot that messages have been buffered by the client for too long, and will return those messages to the queue. If those messages are requeued then they will become available for delivery to other clients.

This is very much experimental at the moment, and it's possible to see reasons why CoDel isn't as appropriate for dealing with AMQP messages as it is for plain IP. It's also worth remembering that requeuing messages via nacks is a fairly expensive operation, so it's a good idea to set the parameters of CoDel to ensure in normal operation very few if any messages are being nacked. The management plugin is an easy way to inspect how many messages are being nacked. As ever, comments, feedback and improvements are most welcome!