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rabbitmq + node.js = rabbit.js

· 3 min read
Michael Bridgen

For those who have been away from the internets, node.js is an evented JavaScript engine based on Google's V8. Because it is essentially one big, efficient event loop, it's a natural fit for programs that shuffle data backwards and forwards with little state in-between. And it's fun to program, an opinion apparently lots of people share, because there have been loads of libraries crop up around it.

Among the more impressive of these libraries is Socket.IO. One can combine Socket.IO with node.js's built-in web server to make a websocket server, with a socket abstraction for browsers that degrades to XHR tricks for when there's no websockets. (I would be happy to believe that node.js and Socket.IO were made for us by a benevolent and foresightful precursor race; but of course, they were made by hard-working clever people. Thank you, people!)

Once one has a socket abstraction in the browser, a whole world opens up. Specifically, for our purposes, a whole world of messaging. Since node.js has an AMQP client, we can easily hook it up with RabbitMQ; not only to bridge to other protocols and back-end systems, but also to provide messaging between browsers, and between application servers, and so on.

Following on from the work we've been doing with Martin Sustrik of ZeroMQ, I decided to make a very simple protocol for using on the browser sockets, reflecting the messaging patterns used in ZeroMQ (and thereby in RMQ-0MQ) -- pub/sub, request/reply, and push/pull (or pipeline). I wrote a node.js library that uses RabbitMQ to implement message patterns using its routing and buffering; the bridging then comes for free, since RabbitMQ has a bunch of protocol adapters and clients for various languages.

A brief explanation of the messaging patterns:

Publish/Subscribe is for the situation in which a published message should be delivered to multiple subscribers. In the general case, various kinds of routing can be used to filter the messages for each subscriber. This might be used to broadcast notifications from a backend system to users' browsers, for example.

Request/Reply is for RPC over messaging; requests are distributed round-robin among worker processes, and replies are routed back to the requesting socket. This might be used by browsers to query back-end services; or even for browsers to query each other.

Pipeline is for chaining together processes. Messages are pushed to worker processes in a round-robin, which themselves may push to another stage of processing. This might be used to co-ordinate a workflow among sets of users (or indeed individuals).

Having duly dispensed with ado, here is rabbit.js.

All it needs is a bare-bones RabbitMQ and node.js installed; and, the node-amqp and Socket.IO libraries. Instructions and the locations of these things are in the README. (Do note that you need my fork of node-amqp.)

It also includes a tiny message socket server; that is, a node.js server that accepts socket connections and speaks in length-prefixed messages. Since it's all going through RabbitMQ, you can talk to the browsers hooked up with Socket.IO via a socket. You can also use the in-process pipe server from code running in node.js itself.

All in all, I am surprised how much I could get done with only a handful of lines of code and some technologies that each hit a sweet spot -- node.js for fun network server programming, Socket.IO for magical browser sockets, and RabbitMQ for the no-tears messaging.

Exchange to Exchange bindings

· 7 min read
Matthew Sackman

Arriving in RabbitMQ 2.1.1, is support for bindings between exchanges. This is an extension of the AMQP specification and making use of this feature will (currently) result in your application only functioning with RabbitMQ, and not the myriad of other AMQP 0-9-1 broker implementations out there. However, this extension brings a massive increase to the expressivity and flexibility of routing topologies, and solves some scalability issues at the same time.

Normal bindings allow exchanges to be bound to queues: messages published to an exchange will, provided the various criteria  of the exchange and its bindings are met, pass through the various bindings and be appended to the queue at the end of each binding. That's fine for a lot of use cases, but there's very little flexibility there: it's always just one hop -- the message being published to one exchange, with one set of bindings, and consequently one possible set of destinations. If you need something more flexible then you'd have to resort to publishing the same message multiple times. With exchange-to-exchange bindings, a message published once, can flow through any number of exchanges, with different types, and vastly more sophisticated routing topologies than previously possible.


· One min read
Michael Bridgen

I am setting up my old MacBook, reclaimed from my housemate, to be usable for the programmings.

Broker vs Brokerless

· 6 min read
Alexis Richardson

The RabbitMQ team has been working with Martin Sustrik to provide code and documentation for using RabbitMQ and ZeroMQ together.  Why is this a good idea?  Because the broker and brokerless approaches are complementary.  We'll be posting more about this as the codebase evolves.  This post is introductory and can be seen as commentary on Ilya Grigorik's excellent introduction to ZeroMQ and the InfoQ summary of Ilya's article.

RabbitMQ on github

· One min read
David Wragg

We've received quite a few requests recently for us to put the RabbitMQ code on github.

RabbitMQ is open source, and the Mercurial repositories where we work on the code are publicly accessible. But github is rapidly establishing itself as the Facebook of open-source development: It makes it easy to follow projects and participate in their development, all within a slick web-based UI.

So from today, we are mirroring our repositories to github. You can find them at The repositories on github track our Mercurial repositories with a delay of a few minutes.

The main development of RabbitMQ will continue to take place on Mercurial. Converting our development workflow and infrastructure to git would take a lot of effort that we'd prefer to spend improving RabbitMQ. And besides, members of the team differ in their opinions about the relative merits of hg and git.

If you wish to contribute to RabbitMQ, we are happy to receive changes via github, or Mercurial hosting sites such as bitbucket, or even as old-fashioned patches!

Very fast and scalable topic routing - part 1

· 5 min read
Vlad Alexandru Ionescu

Among other things, lately we have been preoccupied with improving RabbitMQ's routing performance. In particular we have looked into speeding up topic exchanges by using a few well-known algorithms as well as some other tricks. We were able to reach solutions many times faster than our current implementation.

Management plugin - preview release

· 3 min read
Simon MacMullen

The previously mentioned management plugin is now in a state where it's worth looking at and testing. In order to make this easy, I've made a special once-only binary release just for the management plugin (in future we'll make binary releases of it just like the other plugins). Download all the .ez files from here and install them as described here, then let us know what you think. (Update 2010-09-22: Note that the plugins referenced in this blog post are for version 2.0.0 of RabbitMQ. We've now released 2.1.0 - for this and subsequent versions you can get the management plugin from here).

Growing Up

· 9 min read
Alexis Richardson

Some three and a half years after we launched RabbitMQ, we have this week released RabbitMQ 2.0.

This means some big changes.  The most important of these is our new Scalable Storage Engine.  RabbitMQ has always provided persistence for failure recovery.  But now, you can happily push data into Rabbit regardless of how much data is already stored, and you don't need to worry about slow consumers disrupting processing.  As the demands on your application grow, Rabbit can scale with you, in a stable, reliable way.

Before introducing RabbitMQ 2.0, let me reiterate that as Rabbit evolves you can count on the same high level of commitment to you as a customer or end user, regardless of whether you are a large enterprise, or a next-gen start-up, or an open source community.  As always, get in touch if you need help or commercial support.

Management, monitoring and statistics

· 2 min read
Simon MacMullen

For a long time the management and monitoring capabilities built into RabbitMQ have consisted of rabbitmqctl. While it's a reasonable tool for management (assuming you like the command line), rabbitmqctl has never been very powerful as a monitoring tool. So we're going to build something better.