Management Plugin
The RabbitMQ management plugin provides an HTTP-based API for management and monitoring of RabbitMQ nodes and clusters, along with a browser-based UI and a command line tool, rabbitmqadmin.
It periodically collects and aggregates data about many aspects of the system. Those metrics are exposed to human operators in the UI. The API it provides can be used by monitoring systems, however, Prometheus is the recommended option for long term storage, alerting, visualisation, chart analysis and so on.
The plugin also provides tools for analysing memory usage of the node, and other features related to monitoring, metrics, user, permission, and topology management. Previously it also provided definition export and import functionality. Those are now core RabbitMQ features and do not require or rely on this plugin.
This guide covers:
- Basic usage of management UI
- The HTTP API provided by the management plugin
- General plugin configuration
- Reverse proxy (Nginx or Apache) in front of the HTTP API
- How to enable HTTPS for management UI and its underlying API
- How this plugin operates in multi-node clusters
- How to disable metric collection to use Prometheus exclusively for monitoring
- How to create a user with limited permissions for monitoring purposes only
- Authenticating with OAuth 2
- Strict transport security, Content security policy, cross-origin resource sharing, and other security-related header control
- Statistics collection interval
- Message rate mode (rate fidelity) and data retention intervals
- HTTP API request logging
- How to set a management UI login session timeout
- How to reset statistics database used by this plugin
The plugin also provides extension points that other plugins, such as rabbitmq-top or rabbitmq-shovel-management, use to extend the UI.
Management UI and External Monitoring Systems
Prefer external monitoring options where possible. Infrastructure and kernel-level monitoring is also crucially important to have in any production system.
The management UI and its HTTP API is a built-in monitoring option for RabbitMQ. This is a convenient option for development and in environments where external monitoring is difficult or impossible to introduce.
However, the management UI has a number of limitations:
- The monitoring system is intertwined with the system being monitored
- A certain amount of overhead
- It only stores recent data (think hours, not days or months)
- It has a basic user interface
- Its design emphasizes ease of use over best possible availability.
- Management UI access is controlled via the RabbitMQ permission tags system (or a convention on JWT token scopes)
Long term metric storage and visualisation services such as Prometheus and Grafana or the ELK stack are more suitable options for production systems. They offer:
- Decoupling of the monitoring system from the system being monitored
- Lower overhead
- Long term metric storage
- Access to additional related metrics such as those of the Erlang runtime ones
- More powerful and customizable user interface
- Ease of metric data sharing: both metric state and dashboards
- Metric access permissions are not specific to RabbitMQ
- Collection and aggregation of node-specific metrics which is more resilient to individual node failures
RabbitMQ provides first class support for Prometheus and Grafana as of 3.8. It is recommended for production environments.
Getting Started
The management plugin is included in the RabbitMQ distribution. Like any other plugin, it must be enabled before it can be used. That's done using rabbitmq-plugins:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Node restart is not required after plugin activation.
During automated deployments, the plugin can be enabled via enabled plugin file.
Management UI Access
The management UI can be accessed using a Web browser at http://node-hostname:15672/
For example, for a node running on a machine with the hostname of warp10.local
it can be accessed by users with sufficient privileges at either http://warp10.local:15672/
or http://localhost:15672/
(provided that localhost
resolves correctly).
Note that the UI and HTTP API port — typically 15672 — does not support AMQP 0-9-1, AMQP 1.0, STOMP or MQTT connections. Separate ports should be used by those clients.
Users must be granted permissions for management UI access.
Notable Features
The management UI is implemented as a single page application which relies on the HTTP API. Some of the features include:
Declare, list and delete exchanges, queues, bindings, users, virtual hosts and user permissions.
Monitor queue length, message rates (globally and per queue, exchange or channel), resource usage of queue, node GC activity, data rates of client connections, and more.
Monitor node resource use: sockets and file descriptors, memory usage breakdown, available disk space and bandwidth usage on inter-node communication links.
Manage users (provided administrative permissions of the current user).
Manage policies and runtime parameters (provided sufficient permissions of the current user).
Export schema (vhosts, users, permissions, queues, exchanges, bindings, parameters, policies) and import it on node start. This can be used for recovery purposes or setup automation of new nodes and clusters.
Force close client connections, purge queues.
Send and receive messages (useful in development environments and for troubleshooting).
The UI application supports recent versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers.
Management UI Access in Clusters
Any cluster node with rabbitmq_management
plugin enabled can be
used for management UI access or data collection by monitoring tools.
It will reach out to other nodes and collect their stats, then aggregate and return a response
to the client.
To access management UI the user has to authenticate and have certain permissions (be authorised). This is covered in the following section.
Access and Permissions
The management UI requires authentication and authorisation, much like RabbitMQ requires it from connecting clients. In addition to successful authentication, management UI access is controlled by user tags. The tags are managed using rabbitmqctl. Newly created users do not have any tags set on them by default.
See Deployment Guidelines for general recommendations on user and credential management.
Tag | Capabilities |
(None) | No access to the management plugin |
management | Anything the user could do via messaging protocols plus:
policymaker | Everything "management" can plus:
monitoring | Everything "management" can plus:
administrator | Everything "policymaker" and "monitoring" can plus:
Note that since "administrator" does everything "monitoring" does, and "monitoring" does everything "management" does, each user often needs a maximum of one tag.
Normal RabbitMQ permissions to resources still apply to monitors and administrators; just because a user is a monitor or administrator does not grant them full access to exchanges, queues and bindings through the management plugin or other means.
All users can only list objects within the virtual hosts they have any permissions for.
Monitoring-Only (Read-Only) Access
Some users are created exclusively for observability purposes. More specifically, such users need to list all objects and inspect their metrics but not have the permissions to add or delete entities (queues, streams, exchanges, bindings, and so on). Such users also do not need to publish or consume messages.
This can be accomplished by
- Creating a user tagged as
- Granting it permissions (
) that are empty (will match no objects)
Both steps can be accomplished using the management UI or the HTTP API, or, if those options are not available or optimal, using CLI tools:
rabbitmqctl add_user
can be used to create the userrabbitmqctl set_permissions
to grant the user the desired permissions and finally,rabbitmqctl set_user_tags
to tag it withmonitoring
, which will grant them management UI access
Command Line Examples: Create a User with Monitoring-Only Access
The following example creates a user with complete access to the management UI/HTTP API (as in, all virtual hosts and management features):
- bash
- PowerShell
- cmd
# See the Access Control guide to learn about user management.
# Password is provided as a command line argument.
# Note that certain characters such as !, &, $, #, and so on must be escaped to avoid
# special interpretation by the shell.
rabbitmqctl add_user 'monitoring' '2a55f70a841f18b97c3a7db939b7adc9e34a0f1b'
# tag user 'monitoring' with a tag of the same name
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags 'monitoring' 'monitoring'
# grant the user empty permissions
rabbitmqctl set_permissions --vhost 'vhost-name' 'monitoring' '^$' '^$' '^$'
# See the Access Control guide to learn about user management.
# password is provided as a command line argument
rabbitmqctl.bat add_user 'monitoring' '9a55f70a841f18b97c3a7db939b7adc9e34a0f1d'
# passwords with special characters must be quoted correctly
rabbitmqctl.bat add_user 'monitoring' '"w63pnZ&LnYMO(t"'
# grant the user empty permissions
rabbitmqctl.bat set_permissions --vhost 'vhost-name' 'monitoring' '^$' '^$' '^$'
rem See the Access Control guide to learn about user management.
rem password is provided as a command line argument
rabbitmqctl.bat add_user "monitoring" "9a55f70a841f18b97c3a7db939b7adc9e34a0f1d"
rem passwords with special characters must be quoted correctly
rabbitmqctl.bat add_user "monitoring" "w63pnZ&LnYMO(t"
rem grant the user empty permissions
rabbitmqctl set_permissions --vhost "vhost-name" "monitoring" "^$" "^$" "^$"
Authenticating with OAuth 2
You can configure RabbitMQ to use JWT-encoded OAuth 2.0 access tokens to authenticate client applications, however, to use OAuth 2.0 authentication in the management UI, you have to configure it separately.
There are two ways to initiate OAuth 2.0 authentication in the management UI:
Service-Provided Initiated login. The is the OAuth method and the default way to initiate authentication in the management UI. It uses the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE to redirect users to the configured OAuth 2.0 provider to authenticate. When they are authenticated, users get an access token, and are then returned back to the management UI where they are automatically logged in. The management UI is tested against these OAuth 2.0 providers:
Identity-Provider Initiated login. For this type of login, users must come to RabbitMQ with an access token.This type of authentication is typical in portals which offers access to various applications/services to authenticated users. One of those services could be one or many RabbitMQ clusters. When a user requests access to a RabbitMQ cluster, the portal forwards the user to RabbitMQ's management UI with an access token issued for the user and RabbitMQ cluster. This type of authentication is covered in the sub-section Identity-Provider initiated logon.
To configure OAuth 2.0 in the management UI you need a minimum configuration. However, you may require additional configuration depending on your use case:
- Client secret
- Allow Basic and OAuth 2 authentication for management HTTP API
- Allow Basic and OAuth 2 authentication for management UI
- Logging out of the management UI
- Configure extra parameters for authorization and token endpoints
- Special attention to CSP header
- Identity-Provider initiated logon
- Support multiple OAuth 2.0 resources
Minimum configuration
The first section is the minimum configuration required to use OAuth 2.0 authentication in the management UI. The following sections explain how to further configure OAuth 2.0 depending of the use cases.
Given the following configuration of the OAuth 2.0 plugin:
auth_oauth2.resource_server_id = new_resource_server_id
auth_oauth2.issuer =
To use OAuth 2.0 authentication, apply the following configuration in the management UI:
management.oauth_enabled = true
management.oauth_client_id = rabbit_user_client
management.oauth_scopes = <SPACE-SEPARATED LIST OF SCOPES. See below>
is a mandatory fieldoauth_client_id
is a mandatory field. It is the OAuth Client Id associated with this RabbitMQ cluster in the OAuth Provider, and it is used to request a token on behalf of the user.oauth_scopes
is a mandatory field which must be set at all times except in the case when OAuth providers automatically grant scopes associated to theoauth_client_id
is a list of space-separated strings that indicate which permissions the application is requesting. Most OAuth providers only issue tokens with the scopes requested during the user authentication. RabbitMQ sends this field along with itsoauth_client_id
during the user authentication. If this field is not set, RabbitMQ defaults toopenid profile
Given above configuration, when a user visits the management UI, the following two events take place:
RabbitMQ uses the URL found in
to download the OpenID Provider configuration. Learn more in the OAuth 2.0 guidewarningIf RabbitMQ cannot download the OpenID provider configuration, it shows an error message and the OAuth 2.0 authentication option will be disabled in the management UI
are deprecated. You should configure the OpenId Discovery endpoint's path as it is explained here. These two settings will no longer exist in RabbitMQ 4.2.0. In the meantime, RabbitMQ will support them until you update your configuration.tipIf you used to configure
because your provider used a slightly different OpenId Discovery endpoint url, since RabbitMQ 4.1 you should instead configure the correct path and/or include any additional parameters. Please read this section of the documentation where it is explained how to do it.auth_oauth2.metadata_url
may be deprecated in future versions. -
RabbitMQ displays a button with the label "Click here to login". When the user clicks on the button, the management UI initiates the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow, which redirects the user to the identity provider to authenticate and get a token.
Configure client secret
Important: From the OAuth 2.0 point of view, the management UI is a public app which means it cannot securely store credentials such as the client_secret. This means that RabbitMQ should not need to present a client_secret when authenticating users.
However, there could be OAuth Providers which requires a client_secret either for the initial user authentication request or for the token refresh request. For instance, UAA server requires client_secret
to refresh the token. For these cases, it is possible to configure oauth_client_secret
like shown below:
management.oauth_enabled = true
management.oauth_client_id = rabbit_user_client
management.oauth_client_secret = rabbit_user_client
management.oauth_scopes = openid profile rabbitmq.*
Allow Basic and OAuth 2 authentication for Management HTTP API
When using management.oauth_enabled = true
, it is still possible to authenticate
with HTTP basic authentication
against the HTTP API. This means both of the following examples will work:
# swap <token> for an actual token
curl -i -u ignored:<token> http://localhost:15672/api/vhosts
as well as
curl -i --header "authorization: Basic <encoded credentials>" http://localhost:15672/api/vhosts
To switch to authenticate using OAuth 2 exclusively for management HTTP access, set the
configuration key to true
management.disable_basic_auth = true
When setting management.disable_basic_auth
to true
, only the Bearer
(token-based) authorization method will
work, for example:
# swap <token> for an actual token
curl -i --header "authorization: Bearer <token>" http://localhost:15672/api/vhosts
This is true for all endpoints except GET /definitions
and POST /definitions
. Those
endpoints require the token to be passed in the token
query string parameter.
Allow Basic and OAuth 2 authentication for management UI
When using management.oauth_enabled = true
, it is still possible to authenticate
with HTTP basic authentication
in the management UI.
By default, management.oauth_disable_basic_auth
has the value true
, meaning that when OAuth 2 is
enabled, the management UI only accepts OAuth 2 authentication. The management UI shows a button with the label Click here to login like shown in the screenshot below:
To support OAuth 2.0 and Basic Authentication, set the
configuration key to false
management.oauth_disable_basic_auth = false
The management UI shows now a username/password login form for Basic Authentication in addition to the Click here to login button for OAuth 2 authentication:
Logging out of the management UI
RabbitMQ implements the OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout 1.0 specification to logout users from the management UI and from the OAuth Provider. It works as follows:
- The user clicks Logout.
- If the OpenId Connect Discovery endpoint returns an
, the management UI sends a logout request to that endpoint to close the user's session in the OAuth Provider. When the request completes, the user is also logged out from the management ui. - If there is no
returned, then the user is only logged out from the management UI.
If the OpenId Connect Discovery endpoint does not return an end_session_endpoint
, you can configure it in the OAuth 2.0 authentication backend plugin.
RabbitMQ 3.13.1 and earlier versions require the OpenId Connect Discovery endpoint end_session_endpoint
returned for OAuth 2.0 authentication to work.
There are other two additional scenarios which can trigger a logout. One scenario occurs when the OAuth Token expires. Although RabbitMQ renews the token in the background before it expires, if the token expires, the user is logged out. The second scenario is when the management UI session exceeds the maximum allowed time configured on the Login Session Timeout.
Configure extra parameters for authorization and token endpoints
There are some OAuth 2.0 providers which require extra parameters in the request sent to the authorization endpoint and/or to the token endpoint. These parameters are custom parameters. The Management UI already sends all the parameters required by the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow.
Here is an example of setting an extra parameter called audience
for both endpoints, the authorization and token endpoint:
management.oauth_authorization_endpoint_params.audience = some-audience-id
management.oauth_token_endpoint_params.audience = some-audience-id
You can configure as many parameters as you need.
Special attention to CSP header connect-src
To support the OAuth 2.0 protocol, RabbitMQ makes asynchronous REST calls to the OpenId Connect Discovery endpoint. If you override the default CSP headers, you have to make sure that the connect-src
CSP directive whitelists the OpenId Connect Discovery endpoint.
For instance, if you configured the CSP header with the value default-src 'self'
, you are, by default, setting connect-src 'self'
which means you are denying RabbitMQ access to any external endpoint; hence disabling OAuth 2.0.
In addition to the connect-src
CSP header, RabbitMQ also needs the CSP directives unsafe-eval
, otherwise the OAuth 2.0 functionality may not work.
Identity-Provider initiated logon
By default, the management UI uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow to authenticate and authorize users. However, there are scenarios where users prefer to be automatically redirected to RabbitMQ without getting involved in additional logon flows. By using OAuth 2.0 proxies and web portals, these additional logon flows can be avoided. With a single click, users navigate straight to the management UI with a token obtained under the covers. This is known as Identity-Provider initiated logon.
RabbitMQ exposes a setting called management.oauth_initiated_logon_type
whose default value sp_initiated
To use an Identity-Provider initiated logon you set it to idp_initiated
management.oauth_enabled = true
management.oauth_initiated_logon_type = idp_initiated
management.oauth_provider_url = https://my-web-portal
With the previous settings, the management UI exposes the HTTP endpoint /login
which accepts content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and it expects the JWT token in the access_token
form field. This is the endpoint where the Web portal will redirect users to the management UI.
Additionally, RabbitMQ also accepts a JWT token in the HTTP Authorization
header when the user lands on the management UI.
With sp_initiated
logon types, there is no need to configure the oauth_provider_url
if auth_oauth2.issuer
was set. However, for idp_initiated
flows the auth_oauth2.issuer
url may not necessarily be the url where to send users to authenticate. When this occurs, the management.oauth_provider_url
overrides the auth_oauth2.issuer
Support multiple OAuth 2.0 resources
To configure multiple OAuth 2.0 resources in the management UI, you first configure them in the OAuth 2.0 plugin. Let's say you have the following OAuth 2.0 plugin configuration which consists of four OAuth 2.0 resources:
auth_oauth2.issuer = http://some_idp_url
auth_oauth2.scope_prefix = rabbitmq. = rabbit_prod = rabbit_dev = rabbit_qa = rabbit_internal
The next sections configure these resources in the management UI.
How OAuth 2.0 resources are presented to users
When there are more than one OAuth 2.0 resource configured in the management UI, RabbitMQ shows a drop-down list in addition to the button with the label Click here to logon. The drop-down list has one option per resource. The label of the option is by default the resource's id however you can ovrride it.
It is possible to have some resources configured with sp_initiated
logon and others with idp_initiated
logon. And it is also possible to disable a resource, in other words, the resource does not appear as an option in the drop-down.