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Troubleshooting OAuth 2


This guide covers the most common errors encountered using OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol in OAuth 2.0 authentication backend and management plugin and how to diagnose them.

Troubleshooting OAuth 2 in the management UI

OpenId Discovery endpoint not reachable

Steps to reproduce the issue

Open the root URL of the management UI in the browser, not authenticated yet. Rather than getting the button "Click here to login" you see the following error message:

OAuth resource [rabbitmq] not available. OpenId Discovery endpoint https://<the_issuer_url>/.well-known/openid-configuration not reachable

Troubleshoot the issue

These are the most common reasons for this issue:

  • The endpoint is either down or is not reachable (e.g. there is a firewall which blocks access).
  • The endpoint has a SSL certificate not trusted by the browser.
  • The browser is blocking access due to CORS policy.

The quickest way to identity the root cause is by opening the browser's javascript console and searching for net::ERR_. These are the two possible errors you may find:

  • net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED The endpoint is down or is not reachable.
  • net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID The endpoint's SSL Certificate is not trusted by your browser. If you want to trust this certificate, click on the URL in the error message. The browser will prompt you to trust it.

If you did not find any errors searching for net::ERR search instead for CORS. If you find an error similar to the one shown below, the browser is blocking the response returned by the endpoint and therefore it is not being delivered it to the management UI. This is due to the CORS policy. You should ask the administrator of your Identity Provider to add the management UI's URL to the list of allowed origins.

Access to fetch at 'https://<the_issuer_url>>/.well-known/openid-configuration' from origin '<rabbitmq_url_to_management_ui>' has been blocked by CORS policy.

OpenId Discovery endpoint not compliant

Steps to reproduce the issue

Open the root url of the management UI in the browser, not authenticated yet. Rather than getting the button "Click here to login" you see the following error message:

OAuth resource [rabbitmq] not available. OpenId Discovery endpoint https://<the_issuer_url>/.well-known/openid-configuration not compliant

Troubleshoot the issue

This issue is caused when the endpoint is not returning a JSON payload which matches with the OpenId Connect Discovery Configuration. There are the possible causes:

  • The payload returned by the endpoint is not compliant because it is empty or it is missing some critical information. To identify the root cause, you open the browser's javascript console and search for one of these possible error messages:
    • Payload does not contain openid configuration This error occurs when the payload is empty or it is not a JSON payload
    • Missing authorization_endpoint This error occurs when the JSON attribute authorization_endpoint is missing
    • Missing token_endpoint This error occurs when the JSON attribute token_endpoint is missing
    • Missing jwks_uri This error occurs when the JSON attribute jwks_uri is missing
  • The url is wrong. Check out with your administrator of your Identity Provider to get the correct url to the OpenId Connect Discovery endpoint

Not authorized

Steps to reproduce the issue

Open the root url of the management UI in the browser, click on the buttoh "Click here to logon" and enter the credentials requested by your Identity Provider. You are redirected back to the management UI with the following error:

Not authorized

Troubleshoot the issue

This issue occurs when the token does not have enough scopes or permissions to access the management UI. You need at least one of these scopes or the equivalent scope:

  • rabbitmq.tag:administrator
  • rabbitmq.tag:management
  • rabbitmq.tag:monitoring
  • rabbitmq.tag:policymaker

Follow these steps to find out which scopes or permissions are carried in the token:

  1. Open your browwser's developer tool (e.g. in Chrome or Firefox, right-click on the page and click on Inspect menu option)
  2. Go to the tab Application
  3. Select the option Storage > Local Storage in the left panel
  4. Click on the tree option which matches the URL of the management UI
  5. Select the Key rabbitmq.credentials in the right panel
  6. Copy its value
  7. Go to the url
  8. Paste the value into the text field Encoded
  9. Look at the payload's text field Decoded
  10. Search for the token attribute scope in the tokens' payload or for the value configured in auth_oauth2.additional_scopes_key, if any.
  11. Once you found the appropriate token's scope attribute, find within the attribute's value any of the scopes listed above. Please, take into account if you have configured auth_oauth2.scope_prefix. If you did, the scopes will be named like myprefix_tag:administrator. If you instead configured scope aliases, you need to find the scope alias that maps to one of the scopes listed above.